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有资格获得联邦, state, 还有一些私人财政援助, 学生必须保持令人满意的学术进步(SAP),以获得学位或证书.



Federal law requires that the University monitor both qualitative and quantitative academic progress of its students. Students must be in compliance with the University’s written standards to maintain eligibility for any type of federal, state, 或者机构财政援助. 奖学金和财政援助办公室将在每个学期结束时监测SAP.



定性进步要求学生获得预定的西北累计平均绩点. 被认为取得了令人满意的质的进展, 本科学生必须具有以下西北地区最低累积平均成绩:

  • 大一新生(0-29学时.75
  • 二年级(30-59学时.00
  • 初级(60-89小时.00
  • 高级(90小时以上.00

被认为取得了令人满意的质的进展, 研究生必须具有以下最低西北累计平均绩点:

  • Master’s 3.00
  • Specialist 3.25



Quantitative progress requires students to successfully complete a certain percentage of attempted courses. 最终的量化进展将在每个学期结束时确定. 被认为在数量上取得了令人满意的进展, undergraduate and graduate students must pass at least 67% of the cumulative credit hours they have attempted.

A credit completion rate is the ratio of a student’s total credits successfully completed to the student’s total attempted credits. 尝试学分包括成功完成的课程, 课程在退加期后被取消, failed courses, 重复的课程, 大学接受的退课和转学分. Courses in which a student receives delayed/incomplete grades will be counted as hours attempted but will not be counted as successfully completed until a final passing grade is officially posted to the student’s permanent record.

学生没有资格获得经审计的课程的联邦财政援助. Courses audited will not be included when determining the number of credit hours a student has attempted or completed.



学生必须在不超过课程要求的150%的学分内完成学位课程. Undergraduate students will not be eligible for financial aid if they have attempted more than 150% of the credit hours required to receive their first undergraduate degree. 专业的改变不延长允许尝试的学分数. 这导致180小时的最大允许尝试本科生经济援助资格.

Graduate students will not be eligible for financial aid if they have attempted more than the following number of credit hours:

  • 硕士67学时
  • 专家96小时

如果学生没有达到最大时限要求, their eligibility for aid will be suspended and an automatic warning period is not provided to extend eligibility beyond the 150% threshold.

SAP Status: 在SAP评估过程中, the Office of Scholarships and 金融援助 identifies students who are approaching their maximum timeframe and requires those students to schedule an appointment with a 金融援助 Counselor and their Academic Advisor. The Academic Advisor will provide information indicating whether the student is able to complete their program of study within the allowable 150% timeframe. In the event the University is not able to document that a student is able to complete their program of study within the allowable 150% timeframe, 他们的资格被暂停. 



When a student does not meet the qualitative or quantitative academic progress standard they will be placed on 助学金警告 for the next term of attendance. Students remain eligible to receive aid during the warning period and their record will be reviewed for compliance again following their next term of enrollment.

Students who are placed on 助学金警告 will be sent email notification to their University email account.



A student who is placed on 助学金警告 and does not meet the qualitative or quantitative academic progress standards at the conclusion of the warning period will be placed on 暂停资助. This suspension status results in the loss of eligibility for all types of financial aid until all SAP standards are met.

Students who are placed on 暂停资助 will be sent email notification to their University email account. Students are responsible for being aware of the Satisfactory Academic Progress policies and will remain ineligible, 即使没有收到大学的通知.



在不成功的警告期之后, 不成功的试用期, 或者上诉失败, 学生必须达到定性和定量标准才能重新获得经济援助资格. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the Office of Scholarships and 金融援助 once these requirements have been met and to reapply for financial aid.

如果你有无法控制的情况,导致你在学业上缺乏进步, you may petition View PDF 回顾一下你的处境. 完成申请表格并提交给奖学金和财政援助办公室. 请愿书每周审查一次,结果将通过电子邮件通知学生.


Appeal Process

A student who fails to make Satisfactory Academic Progress after being on 助学金警告 may use the petition form View PDF 对丧失资格提出上诉. The appeal must be based on documented mitigating circumstances that were clearly beyond the student’s control. 所需文件的类型可能包括医生和医院报告, 法律文件, and written confirmation from a parent or other official sources as deemed appropriate by the Financial Appeals Committee. Written appeals and all supporting documentation must be submitted to the Office of Scholarships and 金融援助. 和记棋牌娱乐鼓励学生尽快提交书面申诉和支持文件. This will allow the appeal to be reviewed in a timely manner and will allow the student sufficient time for financial planning for their upcoming term of enrollment. The petition form will be considered incomplete if all three areas below are not separately and specifically addressed. 强烈建议使用支持文档. 申请表格的填写需要一份涉及以下方面的书面声明:

  • 解释是什么原因导致你没有达到助学金的学业进步标准. 附上证明你的情况的证明文件(医疗账单), doctor’s note, etc.).
  • Explain what has changed that will now allow you to be successful and meet academic progress standards in future terms.
  • 说明你计划在学术上做些什么来达到学术进步标准.

财务上诉委员会将审查书面上诉, 支持文件,并通过电子邮件通知学生上诉决定. In the instance you feel due process was not provided to you or you believe the Financial Appeals Committee did not give appropriate and timely attention to your petition, you may contact the Office of 金融援助 to request a meeting to review your petition with the Director of 金融援助.

如果学生申诉成功, the student will be placed on Financial Aid Probation and will regain eligibility for the subsequent term of enrollment. Minimum SAP standards must be met by the end of the term of enrollment when the student is on Financial Aid Probation. 一些获得经济援助缓刑的学生可能需要完成一份学术计划. 如果学生在他或她的试用期内达到最低的SAP标准, 这个学生将恢复良好的地位. 如果在试用期后没有达到SAP标准, 该学生将不再有资格获得经济援助.
